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The application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrable equations (第613讲)
浏览量:524    发布时间:2022-10-20 10:50:34

报告题目:The application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrable equations



报告地点:腾讯会议 607 251 870

报告摘要: In this talk, we will present some review of the application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrbale equations. In the second part, we investigate a special two-dimensional lattice equation proposed by Blaszak and Szum based on the Hirota's bilinear method. We derive solitons, breathers and rational solutions to the lattice equation both on the constant and periodic background. These solutions are given in terms of determinants whose matrix elements have simple algebraic expressions. We show that rational solutions are given in terms of Schur polynomials and demonstrate that these rational solutions exhibit algebraic solitons and lump solitons. We explore the asymptotic analysis to the algebraic solitons.




The application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrable equations (第613讲)
浏览量:524    发布时间:2022-10-20 10:50:34

报告题目:The application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrable equations



报告地点:腾讯会议 607 251 870

报告摘要: In this talk, we will present some review of the application of Hirota's bilinear method in the construction of rational and semi-rational solutions of integrbale equations. In the second part, we investigate a special two-dimensional lattice equation proposed by Blaszak and Szum based on the Hirota's bilinear method. We derive solitons, breathers and rational solutions to the lattice equation both on the constant and periodic background. These solutions are given in terms of determinants whose matrix elements have simple algebraic expressions. We show that rational solutions are given in terms of Schur polynomials and demonstrate that these rational solutions exhibit algebraic solitons and lump solitons. We explore the asymptotic analysis to the algebraic solitons.

