报告题目:Projection Algorithms for Minimizing a Finite Sum of Convex Functions
题目:Projection Algorithms for Minimizing a Finite Sum of Convex Functions
摘要: Parallel and cyclic projection algorithms are proposed for minimizing the sum of a finite family of convex functions over the intersection of a finite family of closed convex subsets of a Hilbert space. These algorithms consist of two steps. Once the kth iterate is constructed, an inner circle of gradient descent process is executed through each subfunction, and then a parallel or cyclic projection process is applied to produce the (k+1)th iterate. These algorithms are proved to converge to an optimal solution of the composite minimization problem under investigation upon assuming boundedness of the gradients at the iterates of the subfunctions and the stepsizes being chosen appropriately.
徐洪坤教授现为杭州电子科技大学教授。1988年西安交大博士毕业。1992.10-1993.07为西班牙Sevilla大学访问学者,1993.08-1994.07为加拿大Dalhousie大学博士后。1994.08-2007.12为南非KwaZulu-Natal大学教授,并于2005年当选南非科学院院士。2008年至2015年为台湾中山大学西子湾讲座教授,数学系主任。是Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods, and Applications (2007-2011), Optimization,Fixed Point Theory等十余种杂志编委。研究方向主要是以下几个方面:
•Nonlinear optimization
• Iterative methods for nonlinear equations and optimization
• Regularization for ill-posed problems
• Mathematical finance
• Mathematical approaches to image recovery and signal processing
• Nonlinear functional analysis
• Nonlinear differential and functional-differential equations
• Geometry of Banach spaces and fixed point theory。
已在 Inverse Problems,Journal of Approximation Theory, J. London Math. Soc.等国际著名数学杂志上发表180多学术论文。