报告题目:The Universe is a Strange Place
报告人:诺贝尔物理学奖得主Frank Wilczek教授
报告时间:2014年10月18日 (周六)9:30
主题:The Universe is a Strange Place
主讲人:诺贝尔物理学奖得主Frank Wilczek教授
主讲人:诺贝尔物理学奖得主Frank Wilczek教授
时间:2014年10月18日 (周六)9:30
分会场:健B一楼、二楼报告厅 (现场转播)
分会场:健B一楼、二楼报告厅 (现场转播)
弗兰克·维尔切克(Frank Wilczek)1951年出生于纽约皇后区,在芝加哥大学物理系本科毕业后,前往普林斯顿大学继续深造,并于1974年获物理学博士学位。2000年始,担任麻省理工学院的物理系教授。他被誉为美国最杰出的理论物理科学家之一。
Over the course of the twentieth century we have constructed a very successful fundamental theory of the behavior of matter. Viewed from this perspective, the world looks very different from our everyday reality. It is a very strange place, and a beautiful one —in particular, we've come to understand that the building blocks of matter appear as notes in a Music of the Void. I'll describe this using a combination of facts, pictures, and jokes. Finally I'll discuss some recent discoveries indicating that the world is even stranger than we've understood so far, and how we're rising to the challenge.
Over the course of the twentieth century we have constructed a very successful fundamental theory of the behavior of matter. Viewed from this perspective, the world looks very different from our everyday reality. It is a very strange place, and a beautiful one —in particular, we've come to understand that the building blocks of matter appear as notes in a Music of the Void. I'll describe this using a combination of facts, pictures, and jokes. Finally I'll discuss some recent discoveries indicating that the world is even stranger than we've understood so far, and how we're rising to the challenge.