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2010.6—至今    浙江工业大学理学院应用物理系光学工程教师

2017.1—2018.1  University of Michigan物理系,光学工程,高级访问学者

2007.8—2010.6  中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所光学工程工学,博士


 [1] 精密光学测量技术及器件

 [2] 光纤传感与通信技术及器件

 [3] 光纤激光技术及器件



[1] 军工科技项目, JG-LX- 2022001, 在研

[2] 军工科技项目, KYY-HX-20200172,已结题

[3] 军工科技项目, JG-LX- 2019004, 2019.05-2019.12, 已结题

[4] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目基于量子点薄膜和微结构光纤阵列的可调谐红外宽带光源(LY15F050010), 2015-2017, 已结题

[5] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目基于量子点薄膜发光光谱温变特性的微结构光纤温度传感器研究(LY12F05006), 2012-2014, 已结题

[6] 中国科学院上海光机所量子光学重点实验室开放课题基金,用于原子干涉的小型化低噪声稳频激光系统研究, 2018.09-2020.09,在研

[7] 浙江省教育厅项目敞开视窗型全自动电脑验光仪的设计(Y201121906), 2011-2012, 已结题

[8] 上海康阔光通信技术有限公司项目全光纤高压传感器研制,  2006, 已结题

[9] 上海嘉地仪器有限公司项目分布式光纤温度/压力传感器研制,  2006, 已结题


[1] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2018009, 2018.05-2018.12, 已结题

[2] 改革前国家科技计划项目-“863”计划,2015AA8083074JG-LX-2016005 2015.09-2016.08,已结题

[3] 改革前国家科技计划项目-“863”计划,2014AA7032031FJG-LX-2015013 2014.07-2015.06,已结题

[4] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2014015, 2014.06-2016.12, 已结题

[5] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2014008, 2014.06-2016.12, 已结题

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11304279,石墨烯带中自旋转矩与磁矩动力学的第一性原理计算,2014.01-2016.12, 已结题

[7] 国家863计划课题,2013AA7032031F, JG-LX-2013016, 2013.07-2014.06, 已结题,

[8] 国家863计划课题,2012AA0344, JG-LX-2013001, 2012.07-2013.06, 已结题,

[9] 国家863计划课题,2011AA7031031F, LX- JD-2012001, 2011.07-2012.06, 已结题,



[1] H. L. Wang, K. N. Wang, Y. P. Xu, Y. T. Tang, B. Wu, B. Cheng, L. Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, K. X. Weng, D. Zhu, P. J. Chen, K. J. Zhang, Q. Lin, “A Truck-Borne System Based on Cold Atom Gravimeter for Measuring the Absolute Gravity in the FieldSensors2022 22(16): 6172 (2022)      (SCI)

[2] 叶留贤许云鹏王巧薇程冰吴彬王河林林强基于激光双边带抑制的冷原子干涉相移优化与控制”,物理学报,2023, 72(2): 024204     (SCI)

[3] 王凯楠徐晗周寅许云鹏宋微王巧薇朱栋翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆程冰李德钊乔中坤吴彬林强基于车载原子重力仪的外场绝对重力快速测绘研究”,物理学报202271(15)159101   (SCI)

[4] Xiaolong Wang, Gewen Sun, Bing Cheng,Bin Wu, Helin Wang, Zhaoying Wang,etal. Spatial filtering of Zeeman sub-states in an atomic fountain, Optics Express 30(12)22088  (SCI)

[5 ] 叶留贤许云鹏王巧薇程冰吴彬王河林林强基于激光双边带抑制的冷原子干涉相移优化与控制”,物理学报202372(2)024204   (SCI)

[6] 程冰周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,物理学报202170(4)040304    (SCI)

[7 ] 王凯楠,程冰,周寅,陈佩军,朱栋,翁堪兴,王河林,彭树萍,王肖隆,吴彬,林强“基于1560 nm外腔式激光器的拉曼光锁相技术”,物理学报202170(17)170303    (SCI)

[8 ] 宋微,朱欣欣,吴彬,王河林,林强,“基于调制转移光谱多参量相关的激光稳频特性研究/光子学报”,光子学报,202150(11) 1114003  SCI

[9] 朱栋徐晗周寅吴彬程冰王凯楠陈佩军高世腾翁堪兴王河林彭树萍乔中坤王肖隆林强 基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的船载绝对重力测量数据处理物理学报, 2022, 71(13): 133702    (SCI)

[10] 程冰陈佩军周寅王凯楠朱栋楚立翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强, “基于冷原子重力仪的绝对重力动态移动测量实验研究”, 物理学报, 2022, 71(13): 133702  (SCI)

[11] 程冰 周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,物理学报202170(4)040304   (SCI)

[12] 程冰周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,2021, 70(4): 040304    (SCI)

[13] 吴彬周寅程冰朱栋王凯楠朱欣欣陈佩军翁堪兴杨秋海林佳宏张凯军王河林林强基于原子重力仪的车载静态绝对重力测量”,物理学报,2020, 69(6): 060302   (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Bin Wu, Zhan Zheng, Kan Li, “Raman competition from ultra-broadband modulation instability gain in the As2Se3 glass photonic crystal fiber filled with argon gas”, Optics and Laser Technology,123: 105935  (2020)  (SCI)

[2] Wu, B ; Zhu, D ; Cheng, BWu, LMWang, KNWang, ZYShu, Q ; Li, RWang, HLWang, XLLin, Q, “Dependence of the sensitivity on the orientation for a free-fall atom gravimeter”, optics express, 27 (8): 11252-11263  (2019)  (SCI)

[3] 吴彬程冰付志杰朱栋邬黎明王凯楠王河林王兆英王肖隆林强拉曼激光边带效应对冷原子重力仪测量精度的影响”,物理学报,2019, 68(19): 194205




[1] Helin Wang, Ai-Jun Yang, XiaoLong Wang, Bin Wu, and Yi Ruan, “Pressure dependent modulation instability in photonic crystal fiber filled with argon gas”, Chin. Phys. B, 27(9): 094221 (2018)  (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang, “Dispersion and loss control of high birefringence photonic crystal fiber with CdSe/ZnS quantum dot film”, J. Opt., 19 (4): 045803 (2017)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang, “Temperature sensing property of hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber filled with CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in an UV curing adhesive”, Optical Fiber Technology, 38 : 104-107  (2017)  (SCI)

[4] Li, K ; Zhang, YKZhen, HYWang, HLLiu, SHYan, FZheng, ZJ, “Versatile biomimetic haze films for efficiency enhancement of photovoltaic devices”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5(3): 969-974 (2017)  (SCI)

[5] Yang, AijunHenderson, JohnnyWang, Helin, “Parameter dependence for existence, nonexistence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for an Atici-Eloe fractional difference Lidstone BVP”, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 38(38). (2017)  (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang,“Single gain peak from modulation instability in As2Se3 chalcogenide glass photonic crystal fiber”, Laser Phys. 26(9) : 095401 (2016)  (SCI)

[2]Helin Wang, Bin Wu, and Xiaolong Wang, “Ultra-broadband modulation instability gain characteristics in As2Sand As2Se3 chalcogenide glass photonic crystal fiber”, Chin. Phys. B,  25(6): 064207  (2016)  (SCI)

[3] 耿琰,王河林*,双粒度CdSe/ZnS掺杂量子点薄膜的反射式荧光温度传感器,中国激光,43(5): 0514003  (2016)  (EI)

[4] 耿琰王河林*, 陈中师基于CdSe/ZnS量子点薄膜结构的高双折射光子晶体光纤的色散与损耗控制光子学报, 44(1) : 0106006    (2015)    ( EI )


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Wide measurement-range fiber-optic temperature sensor based on ZnO thin film”, Optics and Laser in Engineering, 60: 49-53  (2014)   (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, “Broadband optical gain in normally dispersive region of high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber”, Laser Physics, 24(3): 035101  (2014)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Reflective photoluminescence fiber temperature probe based on the CdSe/ZnS quantum dot thin film”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 117(2): 86-90  (2014)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, “Broadband modulation- instability gain in a high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths”, Laser Physics, 23(7): 075102  (2013)  (SCI)

[5] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang and Sui Chenghua, “Luminescent high temperature sensor based on the CdSe/ZnS quantum dot thin film”, Optoelectronics Letters, 9(6): 0421-0424  (2013)  (EI)

[6] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng “Broadband tunable optical amplification based on modulation instability characteristic of high-birefringence photonic crystal fibers”, Chinese Phys. B, 22(7):074208  (2013)  (SCI)

[7]  Aijun Yang, Helin Wang, Dingjiang Wang, “The unique solution for periodic differential equations with upper and lower solutions in reverse order”, Boundary Value Problems, 2013:88  (2013)   (SCI)

[8] 陈中师王河林*, 隋成华, “量子点薄膜结构光子晶体光纤色散及损耗特性分析”, 光子学报,  26 (3): 1-5  (2014)  (EI)

[8] 陈中师王河林*, 隋成华魏高尧,耿琰,基于CdSe/ZnS核壳量子点薄膜的荧光温度传感器研究发光学报, 35(10) : 1215-1219    (2014)    ( EI )

[9] 王河林*, 杨爱军, “反射式500 kV 全光纤电压传感器设计及电场分析”, 传感技术学报, 26 (3): 1-5  (2013)  (A类期刊)

[10] 姚晨隋成华王河林*, “自然验光仪的光路设计及屈光度测量实验”, 光电工程, 32(7): 42-47   (2013)  (EI)

[11] 郑浩隋成华王河林*, “角膜地形图仪中调焦函数的选取及搜索方法”, 光学仪器, 35(3): 25-31  (2013)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu and Lantian Hou. “Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification based on photonic crystal fiber”. Chinese Phys. B, 20(8): 084208  (2011)  (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, Wang Cheng. “Modified Raman response model and supercontinuum generation in flat dispersion photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths”. Chinese Phys. Lett., 28 (3): 034206  (2011)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Broadening and amplification of infrared femtosecond pulse for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification”. Chinese Phys. Lett., 28 (10): 104206   (2011)  (SCI)

[4] Aijun Yang, Helin Wang. “Positive solutions for higher-order nonlinear fractional differential equation with integral boundary condition”. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 1: 1-15 (2011)  (SCI)

[5] Aijun Yang, Helin Wang. “Positive solutions of two-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equation at resonance”. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,  2011.  (2011)  (SCI)

[6] Chenghua Sui, Juan Xia, Helin Wang. “Optical temperature sensor based on ZnO thin film’s temperature-dependent optical properties”. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82 (8): 084901 (2011)  (SCI)

[7] 石文渊隋成华王河林*, “自动验光仪中调焦光学系统的设计与研究”, 光学仪器, 33(5): 42-47  (2011)

[8] 姚晨隋成华王河林*, “自动验光仪中图像处理与调焦准确性的研究”, 光学仪器, 34(6): 10-13  (2012)


[1] Xiaoan Huang , Pengfei Zhu, Xiangmin Liu, Yuxin Leng, Xiaoming Lu, Helin Wang. “Spectral modulation of ultra-broadband femtosecond laser pulses based on surface plasmon resonance”. Opt. Commun., 283 (11): 2373   (2010)  (SCI)

[2] Yihong Qi, Yueping Niu, Yang Xiang, Helin Wang. “Phase dependence of cross-phase modulation in asymmetric quantum wells”. Opt. Commun., 284 (1): 276   (2010)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Polarization-dependent two-color dispersion wave generation and evolution in polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber. Laser Physics, 19 (5): 993-1001  (2009)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Cheng Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu and Lantian Hou. High energy and long pulse generation with high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber and laser-diode pumped regenerative amplifier. Chinese Phys. B, 19(5): 054212  (2009)  (SCI)

[5] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Optimization control of modulation -instability gain in photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths. Chinese Phys. B, 18 (12): 1-10  (2009)  (SCI)

[6] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Anti-stokes frequency shift and evolution in Polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths. Chinese Phys. Lett., 26 (8): 084201  (2009)  (SCI)

[7] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Polarization-dependent or -independent two-color dispersion wave generation in polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber. IEEE The 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Shanghai, China. (2009)  (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang. Central distance of interferential mode patterns of elliptical core two-mode fiber. Chin. Opt. Lett., 6 (9): 1-4 (2008)  (SCI)

[2] 王河林*杨爱军全光纤电压传感器相位检测的设计方案光纤与电缆及其应用技术, (1):6-8  (2008)

[3] Helin Wang, Bi Weihong. Modular interference characteristic of two mode fiber. Chin. Opt. Lett., 4 (11): 621-624  (2006)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Bi Weihong. Application of two-mode fiber in voltage sensor. Chin. Opt. Lett., 4 (11): 631-632  (2006)  (SCI)

[5] 王河林*毕卫红杨爱军等基于模间干涉的全光纤电压传感器设计电网技术, 30 (24):50-55  (2006)

[6] 王河林*郑绳楦椭圆芯双模光纤在电压传感器中的应用及研究电测与仪表, 43 (5):13-17  (2006)

[7] 王河林*杨爱军郑绳楦椭圆芯双模光纤特性的理论研究及应用光纤与电缆及其应用技术, (5):1-4  (2006)

[8] 高迎霞毕卫红王河林*电子电流互感器高压侧电路设计的改进电气应用, 26 (01): 104-107  (2007)


[1] 王河林冷雨欣徐至展王乘远程全光同步光学参量啁啾脉冲放大激光系统发明专利申请号: 200910049355.9,专利授权号:101557073B

[2] 王河林冷雨欣徐至展王乘载波包络相位稳定的宽带光学参量啁啾脉冲放大激光系统发明专利申请号: 200910247569.7,专利授权号:101764341B

[3] 隋成华,石文渊,汪超,王河林,一种电脑验光仪的光学系统及验光方法,发明专利申请号: 201210051782.2,专利授权号:CN102525402A

[4] 隋成华石文渊汪超王河林一种电脑验光仪的光学系统实用新型专利申请号: 201220073885.4, 专利授权号: CN 202568203 U  ( 2013 )






2010.6—至今    浙江工业大学理学院应用物理系光学工程教师

2017.1—2018.1  University of Michigan物理系,光学工程,高级访问学者

2007.8—2010.6  中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所光学工程工学,博士


 [1] 精密光学测量技术及器件

 [2] 光纤传感与通信技术及器件

 [3] 光纤激光技术及器件



[1] 军工科技项目, JG-LX- 2022001, 在研

[2] 军工科技项目, KYY-HX-20200172,已结题

[3] 军工科技项目, JG-LX- 2019004, 2019.05-2019.12, 已结题

[4] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目基于量子点薄膜和微结构光纤阵列的可调谐红外宽带光源(LY15F050010), 2015-2017, 已结题

[5] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目基于量子点薄膜发光光谱温变特性的微结构光纤温度传感器研究(LY12F05006), 2012-2014, 已结题

[6] 中国科学院上海光机所量子光学重点实验室开放课题基金,用于原子干涉的小型化低噪声稳频激光系统研究, 2018.09-2020.09,在研

[7] 浙江省教育厅项目敞开视窗型全自动电脑验光仪的设计(Y201121906), 2011-2012, 已结题

[8] 上海康阔光通信技术有限公司项目全光纤高压传感器研制,  2006, 已结题

[9] 上海嘉地仪器有限公司项目分布式光纤温度/压力传感器研制,  2006, 已结题


[1] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2018009, 2018.05-2018.12, 已结题

[2] 改革前国家科技计划项目-“863”计划,2015AA8083074JG-LX-2016005 2015.09-2016.08,已结题

[3] 改革前国家科技计划项目-“863”计划,2014AA7032031FJG-LX-2015013 2014.07-2015.06,已结题

[4] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2014015, 2014.06-2016.12, 已结题

[5] 军工科技项目, JG-LX-2014008, 2014.06-2016.12, 已结题

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11304279,石墨烯带中自旋转矩与磁矩动力学的第一性原理计算,2014.01-2016.12, 已结题

[7] 国家863计划课题,2013AA7032031F, JG-LX-2013016, 2013.07-2014.06, 已结题,

[8] 国家863计划课题,2012AA0344, JG-LX-2013001, 2012.07-2013.06, 已结题,

[9] 国家863计划课题,2011AA7031031F, LX- JD-2012001, 2011.07-2012.06, 已结题,



[1] H. L. Wang, K. N. Wang, Y. P. Xu, Y. T. Tang, B. Wu, B. Cheng, L. Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, K. X. Weng, D. Zhu, P. J. Chen, K. J. Zhang, Q. Lin, “A Truck-Borne System Based on Cold Atom Gravimeter for Measuring the Absolute Gravity in the FieldSensors2022 22(16): 6172 (2022)      (SCI)

[2] 叶留贤许云鹏王巧薇程冰吴彬王河林林强基于激光双边带抑制的冷原子干涉相移优化与控制”,物理学报,2023, 72(2): 024204     (SCI)

[3] 王凯楠徐晗周寅许云鹏宋微王巧薇朱栋翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆程冰李德钊乔中坤吴彬林强基于车载原子重力仪的外场绝对重力快速测绘研究”,物理学报202271(15)159101   (SCI)

[4] Xiaolong Wang, Gewen Sun, Bing Cheng,Bin Wu, Helin Wang, Zhaoying Wang,etal. Spatial filtering of Zeeman sub-states in an atomic fountain, Optics Express 30(12)22088  (SCI)

[5 ] 叶留贤许云鹏王巧薇程冰吴彬王河林林强基于激光双边带抑制的冷原子干涉相移优化与控制”,物理学报202372(2)024204   (SCI)

[6] 程冰周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,物理学报202170(4)040304    (SCI)

[7 ] 王凯楠,程冰,周寅,陈佩军,朱栋,翁堪兴,王河林,彭树萍,王肖隆,吴彬,林强“基于1560 nm外腔式激光器的拉曼光锁相技术”,物理学报202170(17)170303    (SCI)

[8 ] 宋微,朱欣欣,吴彬,王河林,林强,“基于调制转移光谱多参量相关的激光稳频特性研究/光子学报”,光子学报,202150(11) 1114003  SCI

[9] 朱栋徐晗周寅吴彬程冰王凯楠陈佩军高世腾翁堪兴王河林彭树萍乔中坤王肖隆林强 基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的船载绝对重力测量数据处理物理学报, 2022, 71(13): 133702    (SCI)

[10] 程冰陈佩军周寅王凯楠朱栋楚立翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强, “基于冷原子重力仪的绝对重力动态移动测量实验研究”, 物理学报, 2022, 71(13): 133702  (SCI)

[11] 程冰 周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,物理学报202170(4)040304   (SCI)

[12] 程冰周寅陈佩军张凯军朱栋王凯楠翁堪兴王河林彭树萍王肖隆吴彬林强船载系泊状态下基于原子重力仪的绝对重力测量”,2021, 70(4): 040304    (SCI)

[13] 吴彬周寅程冰朱栋王凯楠朱欣欣陈佩军翁堪兴杨秋海林佳宏张凯军王河林林强基于原子重力仪的车载静态绝对重力测量”,物理学报,2020, 69(6): 060302   (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Bin Wu, Zhan Zheng, Kan Li, “Raman competition from ultra-broadband modulation instability gain in the As2Se3 glass photonic crystal fiber filled with argon gas”, Optics and Laser Technology,123: 105935  (2020)  (SCI)

[2] Wu, B ; Zhu, D ; Cheng, BWu, LMWang, KNWang, ZYShu, Q ; Li, RWang, HLWang, XLLin, Q, “Dependence of the sensitivity on the orientation for a free-fall atom gravimeter”, optics express, 27 (8): 11252-11263  (2019)  (SCI)

[3] 吴彬程冰付志杰朱栋邬黎明王凯楠王河林王兆英王肖隆林强拉曼激光边带效应对冷原子重力仪测量精度的影响”,物理学报,2019, 68(19): 194205




[1] Helin Wang, Ai-Jun Yang, XiaoLong Wang, Bin Wu, and Yi Ruan, “Pressure dependent modulation instability in photonic crystal fiber filled with argon gas”, Chin. Phys. B, 27(9): 094221 (2018)  (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang, “Dispersion and loss control of high birefringence photonic crystal fiber with CdSe/ZnS quantum dot film”, J. Opt., 19 (4): 045803 (2017)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang, “Temperature sensing property of hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber filled with CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in an UV curing adhesive”, Optical Fiber Technology, 38 : 104-107  (2017)  (SCI)

[4] Li, K ; Zhang, YKZhen, HYWang, HLLiu, SHYan, FZheng, ZJ, “Versatile biomimetic haze films for efficiency enhancement of photovoltaic devices”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5(3): 969-974 (2017)  (SCI)

[5] Yang, AijunHenderson, JohnnyWang, Helin, “Parameter dependence for existence, nonexistence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions for an Atici-Eloe fractional difference Lidstone BVP”, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 38(38). (2017)  (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang and Aijun Yang,“Single gain peak from modulation instability in As2Se3 chalcogenide glass photonic crystal fiber”, Laser Phys. 26(9) : 095401 (2016)  (SCI)

[2]Helin Wang, Bin Wu, and Xiaolong Wang, “Ultra-broadband modulation instability gain characteristics in As2Sand As2Se3 chalcogenide glass photonic crystal fiber”, Chin. Phys. B,  25(6): 064207  (2016)  (SCI)

[3] 耿琰,王河林*,双粒度CdSe/ZnS掺杂量子点薄膜的反射式荧光温度传感器,中国激光,43(5): 0514003  (2016)  (EI)

[4] 耿琰王河林*, 陈中师基于CdSe/ZnS量子点薄膜结构的高双折射光子晶体光纤的色散与损耗控制光子学报, 44(1) : 0106006    (2015)    ( EI )


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Wide measurement-range fiber-optic temperature sensor based on ZnO thin film”, Optics and Laser in Engineering, 60: 49-53  (2014)   (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, “Broadband optical gain in normally dispersive region of high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber”, Laser Physics, 24(3): 035101  (2014)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Reflective photoluminescence fiber temperature probe based on the CdSe/ZnS quantum dot thin film”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 117(2): 86-90  (2014)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, “Broadband modulation- instability gain in a high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths”, Laser Physics, 23(7): 075102  (2013)  (SCI)

[5] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang and Sui Chenghua, “Luminescent high temperature sensor based on the CdSe/ZnS quantum dot thin film”, Optoelectronics Letters, 9(6): 0421-0424  (2013)  (EI)

[6] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng “Broadband tunable optical amplification based on modulation instability characteristic of high-birefringence photonic crystal fibers”, Chinese Phys. B, 22(7):074208  (2013)  (SCI)

[7]  Aijun Yang, Helin Wang, Dingjiang Wang, “The unique solution for periodic differential equations with upper and lower solutions in reverse order”, Boundary Value Problems, 2013:88  (2013)   (SCI)

[8] 陈中师王河林*, 隋成华, “量子点薄膜结构光子晶体光纤色散及损耗特性分析”, 光子学报,  26 (3): 1-5  (2014)  (EI)

[8] 陈中师王河林*, 隋成华魏高尧,耿琰,基于CdSe/ZnS核壳量子点薄膜的荧光温度传感器研究发光学报, 35(10) : 1215-1219    (2014)    ( EI )

[9] 王河林*, 杨爱军, “反射式500 kV 全光纤电压传感器设计及电场分析”, 传感技术学报, 26 (3): 1-5  (2013)  (A类期刊)

[10] 姚晨隋成华王河林*, “自然验光仪的光路设计及屈光度测量实验”, 光电工程, 32(7): 42-47   (2013)  (EI)

[11] 郑浩隋成华王河林*, “角膜地形图仪中调焦函数的选取及搜索方法”, 光学仪器, 35(3): 25-31  (2013)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu and Lantian Hou. “Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification based on photonic crystal fiber”. Chinese Phys. B, 20(8): 084208  (2011)  (SCI)

[2] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, Yuxin Leng, Wang Cheng. “Modified Raman response model and supercontinuum generation in flat dispersion photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths”. Chinese Phys. Lett., 28 (3): 034206  (2011)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang, “Broadening and amplification of infrared femtosecond pulse for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification”. Chinese Phys. Lett., 28 (10): 104206   (2011)  (SCI)

[4] Aijun Yang, Helin Wang. “Positive solutions for higher-order nonlinear fractional differential equation with integral boundary condition”. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 1: 1-15 (2011)  (SCI)

[5] Aijun Yang, Helin Wang. “Positive solutions of two-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equation at resonance”. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,  2011.  (2011)  (SCI)

[6] Chenghua Sui, Juan Xia, Helin Wang. “Optical temperature sensor based on ZnO thin film’s temperature-dependent optical properties”. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82 (8): 084901 (2011)  (SCI)

[7] 石文渊隋成华王河林*, “自动验光仪中调焦光学系统的设计与研究”, 光学仪器, 33(5): 42-47  (2011)

[8] 姚晨隋成华王河林*, “自动验光仪中图像处理与调焦准确性的研究”, 光学仪器, 34(6): 10-13  (2012)


[1] Xiaoan Huang , Pengfei Zhu, Xiangmin Liu, Yuxin Leng, Xiaoming Lu, Helin Wang. “Spectral modulation of ultra-broadband femtosecond laser pulses based on surface plasmon resonance”. Opt. Commun., 283 (11): 2373   (2010)  (SCI)

[2] Yihong Qi, Yueping Niu, Yang Xiang, Helin Wang. “Phase dependence of cross-phase modulation in asymmetric quantum wells”. Opt. Commun., 284 (1): 276   (2010)  (SCI)

[3] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Polarization-dependent two-color dispersion wave generation and evolution in polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber. Laser Physics, 19 (5): 993-1001  (2009)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Cheng Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu and Lantian Hou. High energy and long pulse generation with high-birefringence photonic crystal fiber and laser-diode pumped regenerative amplifier. Chinese Phys. B, 19(5): 054212  (2009)  (SCI)

[5] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Optimization control of modulation -instability gain in photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths. Chinese Phys. B, 18 (12): 1-10  (2009)  (SCI)

[6] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Anti-stokes frequency shift and evolution in Polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber with two-zero dispersion wavelengths. Chinese Phys. Lett., 26 (8): 084201  (2009)  (SCI)

[7] Helin Wang, Yuxin Leng, Zhizhan Xu. Polarization-dependent or -independent two-color dispersion wave generation in polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber. IEEE The 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Shanghai, China. (2009)  (SCI)


[1] Helin Wang, Aijun Yang. Central distance of interferential mode patterns of elliptical core two-mode fiber. Chin. Opt. Lett., 6 (9): 1-4 (2008)  (SCI)

[2] 王河林*杨爱军全光纤电压传感器相位检测的设计方案光纤与电缆及其应用技术, (1):6-8  (2008)

[3] Helin Wang, Bi Weihong. Modular interference characteristic of two mode fiber. Chin. Opt. Lett., 4 (11): 621-624  (2006)  (SCI)

[4] Helin Wang, Bi Weihong. Application of two-mode fiber in voltage sensor. Chin. Opt. Lett., 4 (11): 631-632  (2006)  (SCI)

[5] 王河林*毕卫红杨爱军等基于模间干涉的全光纤电压传感器设计电网技术, 30 (24):50-55  (2006)

[6] 王河林*郑绳楦椭圆芯双模光纤在电压传感器中的应用及研究电测与仪表, 43 (5):13-17  (2006)

[7] 王河林*杨爱军郑绳楦椭圆芯双模光纤特性的理论研究及应用光纤与电缆及其应用技术, (5):1-4  (2006)

[8] 高迎霞毕卫红王河林*电子电流互感器高压侧电路设计的改进电气应用, 26 (01): 104-107  (2007)


[1] 王河林冷雨欣徐至展王乘远程全光同步光学参量啁啾脉冲放大激光系统发明专利申请号: 200910049355.9,专利授权号:101557073B

[2] 王河林冷雨欣徐至展王乘载波包络相位稳定的宽带光学参量啁啾脉冲放大激光系统发明专利申请号: 200910247569.7,专利授权号:101764341B

[3] 隋成华,石文渊,汪超,王河林,一种电脑验光仪的光学系统及验光方法,发明专利申请号: 201210051782.2,专利授权号:CN102525402A

[4] 隋成华石文渊汪超王河林一种电脑验光仪的光学系统实用新型专利申请号: 201220073885.4, 专利授权号: CN 202568203 U  ( 2013 )